The Passing of A Master, and how his Natal Chart Speaks to Dreams and their Power to Innoculate Against Fear
Waking up to hearing David Lynch has
ascended really affected me deeply. I started out the day before
looking at messages turning on my Monster Synch Generator, and after
some Zorn, spit out Miles Davis playing Bitches Brew live.... the
versions where when that main theme drops, the whole band just falls
into a funky intense synch. It is dark, and uplifting at the same
time, like the best of Lynch's films. I said to myself, "It's
going to be a great day....." and then I found out the news
still in the midst of Bitches Brew. This post in my Astrology group is how I found out by the way:
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Only mildly unhinged like a Lynch film. |
Speaking to this inoculation against fear and evil, Lynch was born under an exact Mars Saturn conjunction. How exact? Well to within a minute to be exact. The two classical malefics, foreboding evil, placed within the eighth house of death. Mars rules his ascendant, meaning it is the planet which represents David in his own chart, there, with Saturn, in the house of death. This evil in his chart is ruled by the Moon. Demons in dreams, manifesting in dream logic in the real world. Is this not extraordinarily descriptive of his films?
Mars is in fall in its Cancer and Saturn is in its detriment. As far as placements for malefics go, this is the last place anyone wants them in their chart. One can hope that Saturn will be able to restrain the more destructive impulses of Mars, but in such condition, not much good can be expected. This often means that these planets,
being confused, miserable, and out of control, can do the most damage here. We might also say that within Lynch's chart they are inhabiting the
worst placement so that they may come to light and be seen clearly, behaving
with the unrestrained wrath of an agitated Moon. Given Lynch being born with the Sun in the underworld, with the Moon the most elevated and visible part of the chart, this potential for great evil is manifested in the imaginal realm, and then brought out into the world, as his Sun, deep below the horizon, begins to rise.
Lynch's Moon, way up there on the midheaven in Virgo, is perhaps the most powerful placement
one can have in their chart to show creative mastery. The Moon
siphons influences from beyond, which normally stay within the
imaginal realm, and diffuse themselves through dreams. In Virgo, the Moon has the
capacity to Mercurially dissect and draw down into Earthly reality the
most magical elements of the dream world. But what is the condition of Lynch's
Moon's ruler? An out of bounds Mercury. Out of bounds to the south, the
realm of the chthonic. The deep seas of the unconscious, filled with monsters and beasts.
We can certainly see, without having to spare any words, how Lynch's
films display the eccentricities of an Out of Bounds southern Mercury.
Lynch also had Mars WAY out of bounds at 26 degrees North. Born at
3 AM on the dot, it would have been extremely high in the sky that night, with
Saturn. Surely there were sky watchers out that night, marveling at
Mars, which was at its opposition to the Sun, as it is now on the day of his passing, where Mars
is closest to us, brightest, and culminating close to midnight, proclaiming how oddly disturbing a sight it was. Remember, Mars
represents Lynch in his own natal chart, as high as it can get, extremely eccentric and brilliant, gleaming an eerie red, out of place and impossible to
Was it this wild Mars, opposing his Sun, Venus, and
Mercury, which spurned this Capricorn into bizarre, and unexpected feats of the imagination? When we look at Lynch's Sun, it is worth reading what Dane Rudhyar
had to say about the Sabian Symbol of this degree.
For anyone who has seen Twin
Peaks, the reference here to the White Lodge will put your Ears on
Now things get even weirder when we look at the outer planets. Lynch had a sextile and trine pattern all within Yang signs, mimicking the historic moment we are about to move into this year. Curious. So we have a Mars opposition in Cancer, and a sextile and trine between the three outer planets recurring at the moment of Lynch's death. Ok. The moon also moved into Virgo today and Mercury and the Sun are in Capricorn. Recurrence of alignments in the sky with one's natal chart portend huge events and shifts in the life of the native. Today Lynch took his step back into the waiting room of the White Lodge. Obviously the most powerful predictor here is the Mars retrograde (being his ascendant ruler) in Cancer. Today, Mars retrograded back into the degree of his 9th house cusp, in other words, the end of his eighth house of death. Those Placidus house cusps can really show some powerfully exact timed events.
Exact time not known, but I set it for around 9 AM on January 16 2025. |
When we come back to the alignment of the outer planets which are one of the most profound signifiers of the wild new frontier we are about to enter in the coming years, the fact that Lynch was born under a similar alignment is impossible to ignore given his massive impact on the modern world. The fact that he didn't make it to his Uranus return in Gemini is tragic, but let us not linger upon it. In Venus ruled Libra, we have the dreams and visions of Neptune working with the dark chthonic fears of a fiery Pluto, and the shocking, brilliant eccentricities of a bright and airy Uranus. This is extremely descriptive of his artistic career, only with the support of these outer planets which defy the normal flow of respectable reality could Lynch have made a prominent career placing his bizarre and eccentric dreams in celluloid for the masses to see.
It's obviously no cosmic coincidence that as Hollywood burns, Lynch passes on. One could make a logical causal argument about his emphysema and the smoke, but correlations between physical reality and the deeper dream logic meanings only strengthen the power of the moment. Lynch spent the later part of his career making films about the nebulous evils growing in Hollywood. Lynch was born as part of the Pluto in Leo generation heralding a golden age of celebrity the world had never seen the likes of, and now as Pluto is opposing the sign of royalty from the sign of populist power, Hollywood is both literally and metaphorically burning down. It truly gives this feeling of mission accomplished, time to go back to the White Lodge. Back to source, back to Lynch's IC in Pisces, where is all but pure dream, ruled by a Jupiter in Libra moving past Chiron. The wound is healed. Lest we forget, Lynch's IC is directly upon Fomalhaut, widely considered the most mystical star in the sky, one responsible for many great feats of mystical revelation through creative works.
Before we move past Jupiter, for those who might go back to the Elephant Man in the coming days as a salve and tribute to the master, be aware that that film is a profound Jupiterian allegory. The Elephant man literally represents Jupiter descending onto the Earth in the guise of one in need of charity to test the hearts of the royalty as he was wont to do. For my detailed analysis on the Elephant Man, click here.
If we look to Lynch's Solar placement, the third house is an extremely fascinating descriptor. Lynch waxed poetic about his childhood in Spokane where his whole world was encased within a few blocks. His memories of this time were so great he refused to go back to Spokane and have the reality ruin it. A few blocks from one's home is the Third house where his Sun and Venus reside. Lynch's third house is ruled by Saturn, up there, fallen in Cancer with Mars, opposing his Venusian coated memories. Is this not the perfect alignment to show the rot and evil hiding beneath the surface of the idyllic Suburban veneer he was so obsessed with for a good chunk of his career?
It's impossible to not look at that 3:00 AM birth time and not be suspicious, despite it being pulled from his birth certificate, that it's a rounded off time in the flurry of activity of a birthing room, as so often happens. But for such exceptional lives, we expect to see birth omens of exceptional things. Isn't it a fitting that a wizard like Lynch was born exactly upon the witching hour? He certainly weaved some powerful spells upon our culture which I'm not sure we will ever recover from. And why would we want to? The Owls are Not What they Seem... indeed David, indeed.
Edit: after writing this article, I came across this. I really hope an astrologer found David and showed him his chart!
Edit: And another addendum! This one is huge and embarrassing. In writing this article off the cuff in the moment yesterday, I totally missed that Lynch's Mercury, a planet of immense importance in weaving together all the disparate threads of directing a film, and the ruler of his tenth house of career, is upon Vega! The pole star of the far distant past, a brilliant light in the northern sky which carries with it all the oracular power of the lyre Apollo gifted to Orpheus. Surely this star's inherent meanings of prophetic visions and artistic mastery describe Lynch's career to a tee.
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