Birth Time Rectification and the Mystical Message of my Great-Grandmother From Beyond the Grave
I'll tell you what I'm passionate
about, birth time rectification. This is a complicated operation
fraught with failure. Be VERY wary of any astrologer who claims they
will rectify your chart in ten minutes. A proper birth time
rectification requires a timeline of one's life to be drafted before
measuring it against transits, directions, and any other method one
deems to use. The Vedic system especially has some extremely
advanced methods of rectifying birth time to the second based on
their nuanced and complex divisional charts, but I'm not a learned
Vedic astrologer. However; I have had great success in this domain,
and believe it to be a mystically inspired divine art. The universe
WANTS accurate times to be known, believe it. I present to you now,
my very favourite astrological story, how my mystic of a
great-grandmother, whom I never met, transmitted my grandmother's
birth time to me before I was born. So, on Saturday, Big Granny is
turning a hundred! No joke! My amazing Maternal Grandmother, who
shares a birthday with my Paternal Grandfather and Uncle, (check out
my blog post Adventures on the High Seas of the Controversial MC-IC Axis for more on that), is turning 100!
So here's the thing, my grandmother was adopted. Raised up north on the swampy frontier, small town rural living. The mother of her eventual husband actually said of her to her mother "why would you adopt a tiny little thing like that, she'll never make it..." well a hundred years later, and I'm pretty sure this Scorpio Moon woman is living her best life out of pure spite! She even cared for her step-mother on her death-bed, because that's who Rosemary is.
Through my Mother's geneological
research, and stories my grandmother has, we are pretty sure she was
adopted by her Aunt. Her Aunt/Mother, and my Great-Grandmother gone
long before I arrived, was an early 20th century mystic.
She read tea leaves, she collected herbs, she was a Sunday School
Teacher, and.... she was an astrologer. With the knowledge that she
adopted my grandmother from her brother (almost certainly), we can be
sure she knew the birth time. So as I'm learning astrology, of
course, finding out my grandmother's birth time became an obsession.
We have no recorded birth time, but luckily, within Big
Granny's charming loops she likes to go on, was the clue I needed.
When I would talk about astrology she would go into one of her
charismatic monologues, “Oh, my Mother... if you gave her the time,
the place, no wait, the date, the time, the place, she'd tell you
this and that... well she told me I was going to come into money, I'm
still waiting!” It took me a few iterations of this before I
realized what was happening. My Great Grandmother was speaking to me
through my grandmother's remaining memories. What's a pop culture
signification for “coming into money”. Well Jupiter in the
eighth house of shared resources of course! When I plugged that in,
my grandmother's chart just came alive. Like the angels singing and
the aurora shining bright over head. Was Big Granny an Aries rising?
ABSOLUTELY! Anyone who knows Rosemary knows that even at 100 she's
got the energy and charisma of a teenager. It just is.
I worked at fine-tuning the timing
which would place her Jupiter within the eighth house, and had a big decision to make, Which house did Venus belong in? When I took Robin's RASA
course, he spoke of Venus in Cancer as being the kind of person who
baked cookies and muffins, and lemon bread, and if you didn't like
that, oh she'd whip something up for you, which was so true, I had to
dig up my grandma's chart to see that she did indeed have Venus
there. Given my rectification attempt later on, her Venus was
obviously in the fourth house. She kept an immaculate home, with a
rigid daily cleaning routine, and everything in its proper place.
Venus was very clearly in the fourth house of home. This meant I had a very brief window of time where Venus was in the fourth as well as Jupiter in the eighth. Her birth time was solidified. For being adopted,
Pluto in the fourth is a very common placement. Scorpio Moon in the
Seventh for various reasons I won't get into here made a ton of
sense, and so I settled on a time to use, which made perfect sense.
My work was proven when she had three separate accidents which
all aligned with Uranus conjunct her ascendant. She is the most
powerful person I've ever known, the most independent, resilient,
impossible to budge Bull I know. Having her muscles start to fail
her late in life was absolutely a shock to her identity and
independence. This woman was still riding a bicycle at age 90!
Back to my great grandmother's assessment, Big Granny might still be
waiting to come into money, but she's been pulling a pension for
almost as long as she worked. How's that for Jupiter in the eighth?
Even today, she was talking about how much she wishes she could go
back to work. How's that for an Aries ascendant.
My hero...
Big Granny.
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